Going off to college is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences you will ever undertake. High school seniors expect it will be just one big senior class, and no one telling them what to do. But once you arrive, you find out that there are a lot more things to consider.


When you are at home with your parents, they always watch out for you. Even though you have the illusion of being all grown up and not needing any help, they are behind the scenes doing what parents do. They are keeping you on course. Even at 18, if you are living at home, you live under unspoken house rules. It is that structure that allows you to fully live life.


When you get to college, you are treated as an adult. That’s great, right? Yes and no. You see, if you cannot adjust to college on your own, there is no one there to catch you when you fall. Your high school study habits seem inadequate. Here are just a few of the things that throw you off.


  • If you don’t show up for class or do not do your assignments, you are not scolded. Your professor will simply mark your grade accordingly. Mom can’t send you a note saying you were ill that will make it all go away. It’s all on you.
  • The academic load is staggering, and most college students work part time to be able to afford their studies.
  • Your social life kicks into overdrive. There is just not enough hours in the day.
  • Your writing hours get shorter, so your creativity needs to come in streamlined bursts.

Help is at your fingertips

You can keep up, make the grades, get some hours in at work and still have a social life. You are not the first to go through this, nor will you be the last. What you need is to learn how to do things better, and more effectively.


How To Succeed In College, The Definitive Guide Is a detailed guide which is divided into various areas. It is written by educational industry leaders. There is a chapter on how to study. You may think, that you already know how to study, but you are in a different world now. You have to determine the “right way” for you to study and retain the information.


Spending an hour in your room studying for a math test in high school may have worked. But in college, you have a very heavy load. You may have to divide your time into smaller chunks and lean how to effectively study throughout the days.


There is a chapter on your health. How has your diet changed? Are you living on pizza and nuked mac-N-cheese? You cannot be physically or mentally at your best if you are not fueling your body well? Are you getting enough rest? Are you drinking enough water? These things are important.


What tools are available to you through the school? Do you even know? This guide will show you how to get, and stay focused, and motivated. Learn how to get organized in a way that works for you. You may study better alone, or you may need a study group. You may need absolute quiet to study, or you may find that studying with an accountability partner or in the local coffee shop may work best. Until you try these methods, you will not get the most of your college experience.


The skills you learn in college carry through to your career. If you can take good notes in a lecture, you can take good notes in an office, and that means you are always on top of things.


Bonus Tip: College kids are often tempted to take prescription drugs to help them focus. This is not a good idea if you do not have a medical issue that a doctor is treating you for. Instead look into Nootropics. These are also called “smart pills” because they help you focus and they are all-natural vitamins.


College is a challenge. But you are up to it. As you enter the adult world, you will find there are always bumps in the road. You simply need to find a better road. You can do this! Get the guide and start learning about your best route to travel. If you do, you will be successful in college.





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